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Hold Harmless Agreement

10:53AM June 26, 2023


V2.0 Revised 20230626

Privately owned underground facilities are not marked or protected by Indiana Call Before You Dig.  It is the property owners’ responsibility to locate and mark these facilities before South Central Indiana Rural Electric Membership Corporation (SCI REMC), or SCI REMC contractors, perform work on the property.  SCI REMC will take reasonable steps to protect the member’s property, but the nature of the work is such that we cannot guarantee against unforeseen damages that may occur to unmarked or mismarked underground facilities. In order to provide service, this Hold Harmless Agreement (“Agreement”) is required.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, I waive, release, and agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless SCI REMC, its officers, directors, employees, contractors, and agents from and against all liability, loss, costs, claims, suits, proceedings, damages, expenses, judgments, and awards arising out of or incident to the work performed in connection with installing fiber at the Service Address. Indemnification shall include all costs, including attorneys’ fees reasonably incurred in defending or investigating indemnifiable claims. This Agreement includes, but is not limited to, damage to secondary electric lines, water lines, phone lines, gas lines, septic tanks or systems, wellheads, yards, gardens, driveways, fences and dog fences.

June 2023

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