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Construction update 1/25/2019

8:19AM January 31, 2019

Construction Update: 1/25/19

Here are construction maps showing the distribution and backbone construction status as of 1/25/2019. Drops to the homes are not shown on these maps. Orange lines represent installed fiber. Blue lines represent the steel cable before the fiber is lashed to it. Red lines represent the path of the fiber backbone that will be built in conjunction with this part of the project.

As of 1/25/2019, we have 170 miles of installed fiber and 44 miles of steel cable hung and ready for lashing up fiber. We are now showing construction progress in the areas south and west of Lake Lemon as build-out in that area is picking up now.

We are behind a bit on the roll-out of in-home installs in drop zone 1 as we are smoothing out our processes with our contractors. Once we get that process fully released, things should start to move more quickly. We expect our pace of drop construction and in-home installs to pick up in drop zone 1 starting next week, and we expect to make up ground quickly at that point. Estimated dates for installations in all other areas remain unchanged at this time.

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