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Construction Update April 2023

10:01PM April 09, 2023

Construction Updates by Zone

Please see below for estimated timelines related to zones being constructed in 2023.  Please remember that there are many factors that could change these timelines! Early registration is encouraged to help expedite the construction and drop process! If you are interested in receiving fiber internet service, please register as soon as possible at join.sciremc.com.

In Service Zones: 

Construction, including drops is complete for:

Bean Blossom 101 & 102
*Brooklyn 102, 104, & 105
Brummetts Creek 103, 104, & 105
Carp 101 & 102
*Cope 101, 102, & 104
*Dolan 105
*East Madison 103 & 104
*Ellettsville 101 & 105
Heartland 103 & 104
*Martinsville SE
Needmore 102, 103, & 104
Paragon 101, 102, 103
Park Ave 101 & 104
Princes Lake 101, 103, & 104
Stader 104
Wilbur 103

Smithville – Rodeo
Smithville – Ellettsville South
Smithville – McNeely
Smithville – Franklin
Smithville – Sherfield
Smithville - Mount Carmel

*Indicates areas where we are awaiting equipment delivery and installation, as a result, timelines may be affected. 

We aim to provide service to new orders in these zones within 8-12 weeks of registering if weather allows.

Active Drops Construction:


The following areas are actively building drops: Romona 101, 103, & 104

Construction – In Progress:

Spencer 101 (formerly North and South):

·        The recent changes in zone boundaries and naming better reflect where SCI Fiber is currently in construction and areas we plan to serve.

·        Distribution construction is nearing completion, drops began in March.


Hart Lake: Distribution construction is almost complete.  Drops on Hart Lake 103 should begin in April 2023.  


Cunot 104:  Splicing is underway. Drops and activations expected to begin in May 2023.


Mooresville 101:  Construction has begun. Pending permits, construction should be completed in April.  Drops to begin in May or June 2023.


Freedom: Construction of the backbone from our territory boundary into UDWI territory is complete. Distribution construction is complete in the area shown in red except for placement of splitter cabinets, which is happening soon.  Expect drops to begin in spring 2023.  


Backbone: Construction of all backbone sections is complete and operational. The backbone is used to interconnect our substations enabling smart grid technology to improve the safety and reliability of our electric distribution system. In addition, it provides the fiber connectivity from our headend to your home.  Construction is currently focusing on building backbone along the southern and northern portions of our system to create “rings.”  These rings provide redundant paths from the substations back to our headend.  This means that if one path, for some reason, gets cut, the system will automatically redirect traffic to the backup path and prevent a service outage to our electric distribution devices as well as your home.


Smithville Partnership


Stinesville North:  Distribution construction and splicing is complete.  We are currently working through the acceptance process.  Drops and activations in accepted areas are expected to start in April 2023. (some areas may be delayed due to March 31 storm damage.)


Modesto:  Distribution construction and splicing is complete.  We are currently working through the acceptance process.  Drops and activations are expected to begin in April.


Indian Hills:  Distribution construction is complete.  Splicing is in process. The acceptance process will follow construction completion.  Drops and activations expected in June/July 2023.


Wayne:  Distribution construction is about 50%.  Drops not expected to begin until late summer 2023.

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