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Construction Update February 2020

6:57PM February 12, 2020

Construction Updates by Zone

Overall Update:  We have approximately 800 miles of distribution and backbone fiber constructed, and almost 2,300 members currently with service.  We have maintained our pace of 60 new connections per week throughout the winter months so far—and we are on track to have over 5,000 members with service by the end of the year.  We are also starting to bring on additional contract resources as we approach spring to ramp up the fiber distribution construction progress.     

Please see below for a status update of the zones that are currently in construction.

Bean Blossom 101: Construction on the distribution fiber is approximately 40% completed.  Drops to the home are expected to start in late Spring.

Bean Blossom 102:  Construction on the distribution fiber is nearly complete, and drops to the home are expected to start by the end of February, with the first active services in early March.

Brooklyn 102:  Drops are being installed, and in-home installations are ongoing.  There are currently 76 members signed up for service in this zone, with 46 active services.

Brooklyn 104:  Drops are being installed, and in-home installations are ongoing.  There are currently 32 members signed up for service in this zone, with 22 active services.

Brooklyn 105:  Drops are being installed, and in-home installations are ongoing.  There are currently 270 members signed up for service in this zone, with 88 active services.

East Madison 104:  Construction of the distribution fiber is expected to start in late February, with drops and service activations anticipated to begin this summer.  

Cope 101:  We are approximately 70% completed with the construction in this zone.  There are currently 132 members signed up for service in this zone, with 65 active services.  Most of the remaining work is along Clear Creek, where drop construction is expected to start in the next few weeks.  
Cope 102:  In-service, but taking new orders.  We have 383 members currently in service with a number of new sign-ups in various stages of construction.

Cope 104:    In-service, but taking new orders.  We have 279 members currently in service with a number of new sign-ups in various stages of construction.

Drop Zone 1:  In-service, but taking new orders.  We have 207 members currently in service with a number of new sign-ups in various stages of construction. 
Martinsville SE 101:  In-service, but taking new orders.  We have 314 members currently in service with a number of new sign-ups in various stages of construction.
Needmore 102: Drops are being installed, and in-home installations are ongoing.  There are currently 146 members signed up for service in this zone, with 16 active services.

Needmore 103: Drops are being installed, and in-home installations are ongoing.  There are currently 262 members signed up for service in this zone, with 110 active services.

Needmore 104: Drops are being installed, and in-home installations are ongoing.  There are currently 160 members signed up for service in this zone, with 89 active services.

Paragon 101:  Construction is nearly complete and drops/service activations are expected to start this Spring.

Park Ave 101:  In-service, but taking new orders.  We have 349 members currently in service with a number of new sign-ups in various stages of construction.

Park Ave 104:  Very close to completing this zone for existing sign-ups.  There are currently 392 members signed up for service in this zone, with 309 active services.
Backbone:   We continue to construct backbone fiber throughout our system ahead of the distribution fiber.  The backbone is used to interconnect our substations enabling smart grid technology to improve the safety and reliability of our electric distribution system. In addition, it provides the fiber connectivity from our headend to your home.  Construction is currently focusing on building backbone along the southern and northern portions of our system to create “rings.”  These rings provide redundant paths from the substations back to our headend.  This means that if one path, for some reason, gets cut, the system will automatically redirect traffic to the backup path and prevent a service outage to our electric distribution devices as well as your home.

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