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Construction Update July 2019

2:09PM July 05, 2019

Construction Updates by Zone

Drop Zone 1:  Fiber drops to the home are nearing completion, with over 150 members currently being served and many more with installed drops awaiting in-home appointments to be completed!  We have a few drops to be installed before finishing up, and then we will be moving out of the area.  Please let your family, friends, and neighbors know that time is almost out to ensure a timely and free installation!  Once we move to another area re-mobilization fees may apply, and we can’t guarantee how long it will take since crews will be working in other areas to install drops. 


Cope 104:    Fiber drops are being completed very fast with nearly 100 members currently being served and over 40 installed drops awaiting in-home appointments to be completed!    There are a handful of drops that we are still working to get installed, but we are likely going to finish construction in this zone for those currently signed up by mid-August.  Please let your family, friends, and neighbors know that time is almost out to ensure a timely and free installation!  Once we move to another area re-mobilization fees may apply, and we can’t guarantee how long it will take since crews will be working in other areas to install drops. 


Park Ave 101:  Progress is moving along nicely on Park Ave 101.  Over 80 members currently have service, with over 30 in the process of being scheduled for their in-home installations.  The remaining drops are in various stages of the construction process.  We expect to be completed with this zone by mid to late August for everyone that is currently registered. Time is running out to get your free installation in this zone!  If you haven’t registered yet, please do so as soon as possible.  Once our contractors leave a zone, a remobilization fee may apply.


Cope 102:  Fiber drops to the home have started, and in-home installations are expected to start in mid-July.  We expect to be completed with this zone by early October for everyone that is currently registered.  PLEASE register ASAP if you have not already.  The scheduling and construction process is significantly accelerated if members are registered prior to the drop contractors starting in a zone. 


Martinsville SE 101:  Fiber drops to the home have started, and our first in-home installations are already scheduled. We expect to be completed with this zone by the end of October for everyone that is currently registered.  PLEASE register ASAP if you have not already.  The scheduling and construction process is significantly accelerated if members are registered prior to the drop contractors starting in a zone. 


Needmore 103:  Great News!  The distribution fiber network construction is approximately 90% complete.  We are in the process of bringing on additional resources and hope to start drop construction in mid-July, with in-home installations beginning sometime in August.  We expect to be completed with this zone by the end of October for everyone that is currently registered.  PLEASE register ASAP if you have not already.  The scheduling and construction process is significantly accelerated if members are registered prior to the drop contractors starting in a zone. 


Needmore 102 & Needmore 104:  The distribution fiber network construction is approximately 80% complete.  Fiber drops to the home are expected to start in September.  We expect to be completed with this zone by the end of December for everyone that is currently registered.  PLEASE register ASAP if you have not already.  The scheduling and construction process is significantly accelerated if members are registered prior to the drop contractors starting in a zone. 

Bean Blossom 101, 102:  These zones cover a very large and rural area.  The distribution fiber network construction is expected to start in August 2019.  Fiber drops to the home are expected to start in December 2019.  We expect to be completed with these zones by the end of April 2020.

Park Ave 104:  The distribution fiber network construction is approximately 90% completed.  Fiber drops to the home are expected to start in August, with in-home installations beginning in September.  We expect to be completed with this zone by the end of December for everyone that is currently registered.  PLEASE register ASAP if you have not already.  The scheduling and construction process is significantly accelerated if members are registered prior to the drop contractors starting in a zone.


Cope 101:  Great news!  Construction has started on the distribution fiber network and is expected to be completed in August with drops starting shortly after that—starting in the Painted Hills area.  We expect to be completed with this zone by the end of December for everyone that is currently registered.  PLEASE register ASAP if you have not already.  The scheduling and construction process is significantly accelerated if members are registered prior to the drop contractors starting in a zone.


Backbone:   We continue to construct backbone fiber throughout our system ahead of the distribution fiber.  The backbone is used to interconnect our substations enabling smart grid technology to improve the safety and reliability of our electric distribution system. In addition, it provides the fiber connectivity from our headend to your home.  Construction is currently focusing on building backbone along the southern and northern portions of our system to create “rings.”  These rings provide redundant paths from the substations back to our headend.  This means that if one path, for some reason, gets cut, the system will automatically redirect traffic to the backup path and prevent a service outage to our electric distribution devices as well as your home.


 Please click here or refer to the map on the homepage for your zone.

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