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Construction update March 2019

1:49PM March 14, 2019

Construction Progressing for Fiber Project
Over 800 miles of fiber and 3,000 home installations scheduled for completion by year-end. 

Construction is progressing on SCI REMC’s fiber to the home project with over 800 miles of fiber and 3,000 home installations scheduled for completion by the end of 2019. As of March 12, construction crews working in the Phase I area have installed over 230 miles of fiber, and homes are beginning to be connected. SCI FIBER plans to build the network incrementally over the next four to five years to reach its 33,000 members.
James Tanneberger, President & CEO of SCI REMC stated that “We have 25 crews working diligently to build the infrastructure and bring fiber to members. We have added more resources to connect homes in Phase 1 as quickly as possible, but the entire project will require time. We share in the excitement of our members and look forward to seeing the progress over the next few months.”

Phase I
• The infrastructure is scheduled for completion by summer. 
• Morgan County: Construction is complete and home installations have begun along the following roads: W. Shore, N. Shore, Locust, Old Morgantown, Conservation Club, Dillman and Cope  
• Morgan County: Construction will be completed this spring and then home installations will begin along the following roads: New Harmony, Cragen, Egbert, Centennial, Plummer, Mahalasville, Low Gap, Cramertown Loop, Wilbur, Shelton, Ballinger and Pitkin
• Monroe & Brown County: Construction is in progress along the following roads near Lake Lemon: Northshore, W. Shore and S. Shore

Phase II 
• Construction has begun on the main infrastructure along the following roads: SR-67, Smokey, Godsey, S. Salem, W. Burma, I-69, E. Mel Currie and E. Robinson
• Construction connecting fiber to homes will begin immediately after Phase I is complete.

To learn more about the fiber project, visit www.sciremc.com/fiber where members can pre-register to express interest in the project and view construction updates. Currently, SCI REMC is waiving the connection fees for members who pre-register. SCI FIBER also plans to offer phone services and is currently in negotiations to establish a streaming service for local channels – both will be made available this spring. 

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