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Construction Update November 2019

3:55PM November 14, 2019

Construction Updates by Zone

Overall Update:  We have approximately 700 miles of distribution and backbone fiber constructed, and nearly 1,600 members currently with service.  In other exciting news, we have completed our backbone to Brown County—which allows us to start scheduling in-home installations for members in the Needmore and Bean Blossom zones soon! 

What do I do about my cable TV? Great news!  You don’t need cable TV when you have true fiber-to-the-home!  With fiber, the Internet speeds are so fast, you can leverage this best in class technology to take advantage of streaming.  Streaming allows you to use the Internet and a service such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Sling TV (or a variety of others) to get the programs and channels you want without cable TV.  These services, used through your SCI Fiber, will save you money and won’t lock you into long-term bundled contracts.  Any of our technicians performing your installation can help you with understanding these options. It is truly the way to go, and once you do, you’ll never look back!

Residential Phone Service: We plan to launch residential phone service soon and will keep you updated when it becomes available for your area.

Please see below for a status update of the zones that are currently in construction.

Drop Zone 1:  Complete - but taking new orders.  We have over 200 members currently in service with a handful waiting for their in-home installations.  Sporadic orders continue to come in, please tell your neighbors about your fiber service experience if they haven’t signed up yet!    

Cope 104:    Nearly complete.  We have over 250 members currently in service with approximately 50 waiting for their drop or in-home installations to be completed.  New orders continue to come in; please tell your neighbors about your fiber service experience if they haven’t signed up yet!    

Park Ave 101:  Nearly complete.  We have 300 members currently in service with approximately 60 waiting for their drop or in-home installations to be completed.  A steady number of new orders continue to come in; please tell your neighbors about your fiber service experience if they haven’t signed up yet!    

Cope 102:  Nearly complete.  We have over 350 members currently in service with approximately 70 waiting for their drop or in-home installations to be completed.  A steady number of new orders continue to come in; please tell your neighbors about your fiber service experience if they haven’t signed up yet!    

Martinsville SE 101:  Nearly complete.  We have over 230 members currently in service with approximately 80 waiting for their drop or in-home installations to be completed.  A steady number of new orders continue to come in; please tell your neighbors about your fiber service experience if they haven’t signed up yet!    

Needmore 102, 103, 104:  The construction of the backbone system to the Needmore zones was more complicated and took longer than expected, but it was completed this week!  This means that we can start connecting members in these zones as early as Tuesday, 11/19.  We have over 120 drops already installed to member’s homes ready to go.  We will be sending out emails on Friday, 11/15 to the first round of members to schedule in-home installs.  We have multiple crews working in these zones to quickly install the remaining drops, and we hope to connect over 40 members a week in the Needmore zones.  Please sign up as soon as you can so we can issue the next batch of emails.   

Bean Blossom 101: Construction on the distribution fiber is expected to start in December of 2019.  Drops to the home are expected to start in early 2020, with members beginning to receive service shortly after that.  We expect to be completed with this zone by mid-2020.

Bean Blossom 102: Construction on the distribution fiber is progressing well, with approximately 60% of the fiber construction completed.  Due to the size of this zone, we are connecting it in stages.  Drops on the first stage are expected to start in the next few weeks, with members starting to schedule in-home installs in December of 2019. 

Brooklyn 102, 104, 105:  The distribution fiber in Brooklyn 102 and 104 is complete, and Brooklyn 105 is 90% completed.  Drops are currently being installed in all three zones.  We are expecting that members will be able to start scheduling in-home installs in December of 2019.  Watch your email for a notice to schedule your installation!

Paragon 101:  Great news!  The distribution fiber construction is nearing completion.  We are expecting to start drop installations in early 2020 depending on weather.

Park Ave 104:  We are 70% completed with the drops in this zone, with 200 members already in service.  Additionally, a significant number of members have their drop installed and are ready for in-home installs to be scheduled.  Crews continue to work hard installing the remaining drops with a goal of completing all current registrants by the end of the year.

Cope 101:  We are actively constructing fiber drops to the home and performing in-home installs in this zone!  Please check your email for updates and to see if your home is ready to be connected!

Ellettsville 101, 105: Engineering is complete and construction is expected to begin on the distribution fiber in the first half of 2020.

Backbone:   We continue to construct backbone fiber throughout our system ahead of the distribution fiber.  The backbone is used to interconnect our substations enabling smart grid technology to improve the safety and reliability of our electric distribution system. In addition, it provides the fiber connectivity from our headend to your home.  Construction is currently focusing on building backbone along the southern and northern portions of our system to create “rings.”  These rings provide redundant paths from the substations back to our headend.  This means that if one path, for some reason, gets cut, the system will automatically redirect traffic to the backup path and prevent a service outage to our electric distribution devices as well as your home.

ZONES IN CONSTRUCTION: Please click here or refer to the map on the bottom of the homepage for your zone.

ALL OTHER ZONES: Please click here for the status of your zone.

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