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SCI Fiber Reaches 1,000 Connections

9:07AM September 20, 2019

September 20, 2019 – SCI Fiber has reached a milestone this week by connecting their 1,000th member with high-speed internet. The fiber network is being built incrementally over the next four years to ensure SCI REMC’s 29,000 members have access to affordable, reliable, high-speed internet. Over 600 miles of distribution and backbone fiber has been constructed since the project began in 2018.

James Tanneberger, President & CEO of SCI REMC, stated that “We began the fiber broadband project just over 18 months ago and it is exciting to reach this milestone of connecting our 1,000th member. We continue to improve our processes every day, and we are connecting over 60 new members each week with high-speed internet.”

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